Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hanoi Salad

Inspired by this month's Bon Appetit noodle salads, I decided to make my own variation:

  • sliced radish
  • rice noodles
  • cilantro
  • fried shallots
  • fried quorn chx subsitute
  • fresh green onions
  • fresh mint
  • fresh basil
  • julienned carrots
  • sliced jalapenos
  • fried raw spanish peanuts (fried in peanut oil)
  • dressing was the vietnamese table sauce from Hot Sour Salty Sweet.
We served this on a bed of lettuce with lime wedges, Thai hot & sweet chili sauce, and another salad as a relish.

  • Avocado
  • heirloom tomatoes
  • sliced raw red onion
  • salt
  • lime
  • sliced cucumber
We also had delicious crunchies - Whole Foods Hot&Spice Wasabi mix.  WHY?????? is it so addictive?

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